Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

Era Globalisasi and internet
          Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. First of all, let us praise to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are able to attend in this room. Secondly, may peace be upon the prophet Muhammad Saw who has guided us from the darkness era to the brightness era. I would like also to say many thanks to Miss Dini who have given me opportunity to deliver an English speech in front of you all. In this golden opportunity, I would like to deliver a speech about “Globalization Era and internet ”.

Ladies and gentlemen

As we all know, nowadays our world is in globalization era. We often hear it. However, what is globalization? Globalization is the process of transformation of local or regional phenomena into global or international phenomena. This process includes transformation of economic, technological, socio-cultural and political forces. In other words, every country in this world can influence other countries. Because of globalization, this world which consists of many countries is like “a global village”. This term refers to the fact that people are considered to live in this planet without borders dan without limitation. People are able to access any kinds of information easily. There is no difficulty to communicate and there is no barrier to interact with other people from all over the world.

            Globalization is closely related to the Internet. With the Internet we can access all kinds of information therefore the Internet is not foreign in our lives, the Internet serves as a source of information. All people can access the internet. The Internet can provide a positive impact in many ways but the Internet also has its negative effects. Internet has a profound impact depends on the user. If the Internet is used well, God willing, we will get good benefits. But, if we do not use the Internet properly, we tend to fall into the negative impact which definitely endanger our lives. Let us use the internet as well as possible, in accordance with our needs. Do not let the Internet entered into our lives. So I can say, may be useful for us, especially the youth and students to use the internet as well as possible.

            So let us use the internet for useful things instead of making for sin but make the Internet a place to gain reward from allah.

            So that I can say, may be useful for us, especially the young people to use the internet as well as possible. If the error in the delivery artifacts before, I apologize. Thanks.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Top Place

My Recomendation Place In Mempawah
            Assalamu'alaikumm warahmatullahi wabarakatu. Hello this time I will post about a place I recommend to you in my beloved hometown is the city Mempawah. Mempawah is a city that is by the sea and the city dubbed Mempawah bestari which means the city clean. There are so many places that I recommend to you in the city Mempawah.
There are customs in Mempawah are quite famous among the people of West Borneo are robo-robo. Initially the event was held to welcome Opu Daeng Menambon he was the first king in the kingdom at the beginning of his Mempawah he came to Mempawah to spread the religion of Islam. It was he who built the city Mempawah. Robo Robo begins when opu Daeng Menambon and their families as well as all the royal retainer down into the sea from my village, the name village is benteng using bidar boat. Bidar boat is a that came from the palace Amantubillah. The ship sailed from the village to the village of Kuala fortress. This cruise is accompanied by 40 boats. When the group entered the mouth of the estuary Mempawah. The delegation was greeted with joy by the people Mempawah. Speech that is the beginning of people selling cheap goods. until now these customs remain on the run in Mempawah.
And the second place that I recommend to visit the tomb of Daeng opu Menambon located on the hill.

It is a place that I recommend. Actually there are a lot of places that I want to recommend but given a little time so I can only write to two places alone. So so much from my post this time. I apologize if there is one word. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
My last Meat on Earth
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu. This time I have a duty to post the food want to be eaten for the last time there were two options given to post this time well get on with it.
What you choose for your last meal on earth? Before answering that question, there are two things I had to choose. Am I going to die tomorrow? or should the distribution of food I eat is stopped? I think it's better to become sick ail having fun then this word is attached to the second option. But I chose the first option. Why did I choose the first option? Because I think the second option is difficult to explain so I thought I better choose the first option.
Actually a lot of food I wanted, but I had to choose between a lot of the food is okay just food first I wanted to eat if tomorrow I die is a hodgepodge because they think I gado-gado was very tasty and had a story of its own inherent time I am still a child
And both meals if hodgepodge is not available in the nearby figure or has run out is that the sate. Sate is the food that is often eaten with the family when I was a kid. At the time of my school holidays my parents often buy satay. And when I got a high replay value I bought satay as a reward.

So that's the last food I want to eat for the last time. I apologize if there is one word in my post. So much from me this time Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

Rabu, 07 Desember 2016

Resume Radio

Resume Radio Volare Chit Chat
          Hello this time I will post about the radio resumes volare chit chat now I get the task of lecturers to resume on December 1 in the radio frequency 103.4 Volare. There are four segments that I heard from the first radio about is how to say it in this segment I learned about how to say it correctly. The second segment is about idioms in the second segment of this I learned about the idiom. The third segment is about bilingual speakers in this segment tells of a world record and the last segment is english speaker please on this segment presents two speakers. Neither was the one we just discussed one-on-one.
How to say it in this segment I learned about the correct idiom pronunciation. Idiom "Read someone like a book". The meaning of this indiom is reading other people's thinking or to understand someone heard right and always knew what she was thinking. The example was: "John's wife, Jannie, can read him like a book, she knows when something troubles him and everybody knows that without her, John is lost."
Idiom in this segment I learn I learn a new idiom that Blood, sweat, and tears. It means we do something with full of struggle and hard work. The example of this idiom use: "There will be much blood, sweat, and tears, before we have completed this project". In this segment, with the idiom of a song was played.
Bilingual in this segment of the speaker to tell someone who has broken the world record. That is by doing bungee jumping from 75 meters above the ground just to dipping his biscuit into a cup of tea.

English please on this segment of the speaker raised the topic of "Idol Worship" and two speakers they were Array and Odi. Array said that he personally did not really worship an idol, but he Knew that idol is phenomenal in the media. Odi said that he did not worship them but he adored them. About this topic myself, I have a Similar opinion with Array. I did not really worship one too. But there are some people with the talent that I have to say that they are awesome.

Sabtu, 26 November 2016

            On this occasion I will post a letter that will tell me at times when I was young and my letter for the next 10 years.
            I want to convey to me that a young man who first is to respect your parents are fighting for you not to make it cry or get angry because prayer is what makes you survive the issues that come A close second start learning to speak in public because of its capability it is necessary and should never be ashamed to own shortcomings, but make it into a shortage of zeal, everyone is not perfect every person must have its flaws. The third is never lazy to hone your talent because believe you will lose later in life.
            Message to me that 10 years from now the first is if you're a successful person never forget both your parents because in the past when you were little those who work up sweat, basking in the hot sun, every night they say a prayer for you be a successful person they did not ask for in return they just want to see you be successful. The second message is do not let you fall into the wrong path.

            That is my message to me when I was young and for the next 10 years. The essence of both the message never forget both your parents who have struggled to you so much from me if there is one word I apologize Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Sabtu, 19 November 2016

                Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. What's up buddy thank you for taking the time to come my blog. on this occasion I will post about the song that I want karoke OK to save the direct word do.
            First of all need to know that I never karoke because my voice is ugly ahahah. but I really like once with the name of his music and more interested in played a musical instrument so I'm still going to post the song that I want karoke even though all the songs ta problem to be sung but from the depths of the deepest I want to sing a song genre of rock one of which is a song called cry thunder popularized by Dragonforce genre of rock antiquity although the old school but do not know why I wanted to sing the second song I want to sing is one of the songs that I often listen now while writing this blog too I'm listening this song its title is cloud strike popularized by one ok rock band one from Japan is very well known and have one more song but not for sing but to play the title is lost my piece this song is backsound one anime frequently watched.

            The third song is one of the many that I want sung or played alright so much from my post this time apologize if there is one word Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Sabtu, 12 November 2016

Favorite Place

Favorite Place
            Assalamualaikum' My warmest greetings on this occasion I will describe the most favorite place I've ever visited than many places I visit there are some places that became my favorite.
            My favorite place which first was my own house because that's where my place of rest, family gathering place, a place to play, a place to learn, and home is where I am free to do anything it. Thus the home is my favorite place though it looks ugly in the eyes of people, but in my eyes it looks so beautiful. And the thing I like from my house was when gathered with family laughing together while they can gather intact.
            Space game play is my second favorite place because there where I played as a child come home after school. The place has a lot of memories for indoor games that's my goal, after school and almost every day a friend rollicking come to my house to play together in the room the game was on from elementary school to junior high school where is the one who always accompany and indeed the game is my hobby.
            It was two of my favorite places now. The second place was located in a place that is home but that does not mean I do not want to leave the house does not mean I am anti-social person. Yes indeed both a place that I like most other places

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

My Favorite App

My Favorite App in Smartphone
                Assalamualaikum’ this time i will post about my favorite application in smartphone, application in smartphone very much indeed with all utility but of the many aplication that there are some applications that I like and most often I play
            The first is an application to play online games on smartphones these applications most often I play from the many applications on my hp, I really liked the game from the time I was still in primary school when I was still playing games playstation 1 and as the development time I came to know online gaming applications on smartphones. At this time I was already rarely opened the application because I've been a student it is very difficult to find time to play games but until now still love gaming applications, gaming smartphone that I often play is Castle Clash, Clash Of Clans, Lord Mobile, Iruna Online, Online Avabel, Stellacept Online, Aucrus Online, and many more but there are a few forgotten. And lastly I would like to add my opinion to play the game can enhance creativity, speed of thinking, and the ability to remember something
            my second Favorite Application in smartphone is an application for listening to music, I love the app because it is like the music, although not too skilled at using the tools of music, wherever I go headshet is one of the items that must be taken because it is when there are a few things disturb the mind then that I listen to music, music is able to calm the mind and learn while listening to music, because according to some research I read music can improve the working cells of our brain so that the brain faster thinking but only complains a particular music genre which can be like that. Genre of music that I like most is the orchestra music instrument orchestra is often the soundtrack in the game or in the film there are some songs that I heard playing in the emotional a moment where the emotion in the lift up to the highest level and then lowered very quickly.
            Yes that's my second favorite application on his smartphone is both interrelated because of my childhood I liked both of his and of playstation 1 was the first time to see and hear these two things to this day I still love it. A few of my posts this time I apologize if there is one word Assalamualaikum '

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

My Favorite Film

         Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. My favorite film is all the film that smell technology and many featuring action as the war between the nation and film that smelled of fantasy. iron man is one of my favorite movie because i think in the film iron man many featuring action challenge as well as many display of he things that smelled of the technology.
       Well i will describe a bit of the story iron man, Stark the name of the main character in the iron man stark managed to make the iron armor in stand by terrorist in afghanistan he make iron armor to run away from the terrorist he then returned to destroy the terrorist after improved the armor that made an iron, Yes that’s a great line of the iron man. I like the film that smell technology because i think it look cool and i like the film that a lot of action of the war her because i liked the spirit of people who took to terrain of war and the last is film genre fantasy i like these genres because it while watching it i started imagining.

       Well that is an explanation about my favorite film, from me thank you Assalamu’alaikum.

Kamis, 29 September 2016

Two things that you have to bring everywhere you go

The Clothes and Smartphone

      Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh” i will explain why i always bring both the goods. I always bring clothes because in a modern time people always wear clothes different from a first human rarely wear clothes because modern human have foundn a lot the benefits of these clothes. Benefit wear clothes in my opinion is
  1.   Protect herself from a variety of things such as the sun, the dirt, dust and other
  2.   The can also be used as a jelweller mean is that we can wear clothes to taste that look attractive
  3.   The as cover aurat. Aurat associated with a sense of shame on a human being so that people who did not shut her aurat well can be considered as a person who didn’t know embarrased

It is reason i always bring clothes because the clothes did the stuff that must be in bring to travel. I always carry a smartphone because
  1. We could easly communicate with anyone and wherever it. Whe we have a problem and want to call the family home in this time smartphone very help
  2.  For me when my own ad felt bored i usually play games in the smartphone and play music in the smarthphone and other

It is reason i always bring a smartphone because indeed in modern times this smartphone much needed. Well both stuff i think it is to be compulsory in brought by everyone in modern time. Thank you. Assalamu’alaikum

Selasa, 27 September 2016


5 Tense
-         Simple Presen Tense
For rutinitas and fakta
(+) S + V1 (s/es)
(-) S + do/does + not + V1
(?) Do/does + S + V1

-         i eat 3 times a day
-         you try
-         we play
-         she eats
-         he tries
-         i dont eat
-         she does eats

-         Simple past tense
(+) S + V2
(-) S + did + not + V1
(?) did + S + V1

Regular – d,ed,ied

Irregular Verb

-         Present/past continuous tense











+ Ving/Aan

-         Simple Future Tense
For even future

(+) S + Will + V1
(-) S+ Will + Not + V1
(?) Will + S + V1

-         Simple Perfect Tense

(+) S + Has /Have + V3
(-) S + Has /Have + Not + V3

(?) S + Has / Have + Not + V3

Kamis, 22 September 2016

Resume Pidato

          Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh” i will resume speech rayhan ramdana but the first i will tell you back at the core of speech rayhan. Well we immmediately, with the introduction first Rayhan Ramadan  he from SMAN 02 Pontianak participant number 2
          Rayhan Ramadan, will deliver a speech about the cultural diversity in Indonesia. Indonesia is a large country full of culture, language, and religion that cannot be found anywhere else. Ladies and gentlemen, we know in this modern era, there’s a large influx of foreign culture entering Indonesia, which some thinks will threathen Indonesia’s cultural heritage. This is untrue, because Indonesian culture has weathered through similar adversity in the past, and has always remained steadfast. Indonesia culture is still popular in the younger generation and will continue to popular as a traditional dance until now still very popular in indonesia’s young generation. The history of indonesia said that our country, that our culture still able to live on the side of the public as an example the culture palace and the kings still standing in the community untill now with culture hunting and gathering is that in the present contens we know that we can find how the human comunity can walk in paralel with the hunting and gathering culture. We know that our culture can standing i think a young generation we should join hand

          Well that is a summary of speech i gave of speech rayhan ramadan according to me at the core of speech rayhan is how do we tthe youger generation to keep the culture indonesia in order to remain intact handed down well so from me , thank you Assalamualaikum

Rekaman Pidato Bahasa Inggris


       Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. First of all I will explain what it selfie and history itself and seteelah that I will choose one of my selfie photo and explain why I chose that photo.
       the term "selfie" itself originally appeared and was used in 2002 in an Internet forum Australia (ABC Online), precisely on September 13, 2002. So popular Selfie word, then in 2013, said selfie officially listed in the online version of the Oxford English Dictionary. And even in November 2013, the Oxford Dictionary named said this Selfie as Word of the Year in 2013. What is meant by Selfie or photographing themselves or Selfie or photos narcissist is a kind of self-portrait photos taken by myself using a digital camera or camera phone
       the first person to do a selfie is a princess of the imperial Russian named Anastasia Nikolaevna in 1900 Anastasia Nikolaevna photographing herself through the mirror by using a Kodak Brownie box camera

I chose this photo because there's only my selfie photo 1 even though my photo is not good and I rarely take pictures except during certain moments with friends it is because I lack confidence when I'm not good selfie and pose when selfia ahahah ... but there are times I do not care that I was able to take pictures photo kenapa..inilah not know my opinion about selfie muungkin so much from me thanks. Assalamu’alaikum

Kamis, 08 September 2016

Why i Choose Computer System

        Hello ladies and gentleman my name is Adhetya Putra Perdana im from Mempawah i want tell you about why i choose computer system .i choose computer system because for me poeple who graduated from the deppartment of computer very in need in the world to work although i school in junior high school 01 Mempawah Hilir and senior high school 01 Mempawah hillir the department of social sciences that is not too often learn math that is a basic computer from  the departement of math but i like the computer and matematika therefor i choose the computer system and i had roon off determined although actually the computer system is the second option me after techniq informatika  most people just know the truth is still a lot of people who do not know that at the university tanjungppura there are three majors computer my first choice informatika technique because soome poeple juust know the techniques information majors computer at the university of tanjungpura perhaps because of techniques informatika already longer stood while the commputer system at the university of tanjungpura standing of 2008 and who graduated yet until 50 people therefore i who pass through the SBMPTN choose his first choice is techniques informatika and the computer system is the second option Aactually, at that time i still do not know the department of the computer system like what but somehow God passed me on the commputer system perhaps it was the best for me the future