Kamis, 22 September 2016

Resume Pidato

          Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh” i will resume speech rayhan ramdana but the first i will tell you back at the core of speech rayhan. Well we immmediately, with the introduction first Rayhan Ramadan  he from SMAN 02 Pontianak participant number 2
          Rayhan Ramadan, will deliver a speech about the cultural diversity in Indonesia. Indonesia is a large country full of culture, language, and religion that cannot be found anywhere else. Ladies and gentlemen, we know in this modern era, there’s a large influx of foreign culture entering Indonesia, which some thinks will threathen Indonesia’s cultural heritage. This is untrue, because Indonesian culture has weathered through similar adversity in the past, and has always remained steadfast. Indonesia culture is still popular in the younger generation and will continue to popular as a traditional dance until now still very popular in indonesia’s young generation. The history of indonesia said that our country, that our culture still able to live on the side of the public as an example the culture palace and the kings still standing in the community untill now with culture hunting and gathering is that in the present contens we know that we can find how the human comunity can walk in paralel with the hunting and gathering culture. We know that our culture can standing i think a young generation we should join hand

          Well that is a summary of speech i gave of speech rayhan ramadan according to me at the core of speech rayhan is how do we tthe youger generation to keep the culture indonesia in order to remain intact handed down well so from me , thank you Assalamualaikum

Rekaman Pidato Bahasa Inggris

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